
Material Solutions Center, Tohoku University(MaSC)


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  • Development of Technology for Functional Condensed Matter Applications


Development of Technology for Functional Condensed Matter Applications


Shigeru Suzuki
Micro System Integration Center

Outline of Research

In addition to promoting robust industry-academia collaboration, research, and development, we will also share ideas among all counterparts about how such research and development should be conducted.

Learning is the search for truth. Universities are places where education and research are conducted based on expertise in various academic fields. Interpersonal trust, as well as social norms, serve as the foundation on which these institutions are based. In recent times however, we see that there are some instances of excessive conduct.
There are various reasons for these instances—such as overzealousness. In our project, however, we aim to conduct research to examine evident information (from broad sources, including artifacts and parodies) to determine what is actually taking place, both in science and in society.

Research Purpose

In addition to conducting robust industry-academia collaboration and research and development with various companies, we aim to hold discussions with all counterparts both inside and outside the university to bring the benefits of our work to the real world.

Expected Effect

Contributing to the development of robust science and technology


Highly acclaimed in various industrial fields

Joint Research Enterprise

Fukuda Crystal Laboratory, and Others


Industry-academia collaboration, social norms, research ethics


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Contact Information

E-mail address: shigeru.suzuki.e6*tohoku.ac.jp
Please use @ instead of *.
