Technological Development and Social Implementation of Advanced Functional Materials
Kentaro Totsu
Micro System Integration Center
Sub: Shigeru Suzuki
Senior Researcher (Prof. Emeritus)
Micro System Integration Center
Outline of Research
By collaborating with various companies in the fields of electronics and energy, research and development on various functional materials and their manufacturing and processing are conducing. Our project aims at practical application of various results in a wide range of fields such as information and communications, medicine, etc. In addition, we will promote the development of technology and human resource development for the application to highly functional devices by controlling the surface and interface of materials.
Research Purpose
In addition to conducting robust industry-academia collaboration and research and development with various companies, we aim to hold discussions with all counterparts both inside and outside the university to bring the benefits of our work to the real world.
Expected Effect
Contributing to the development of robust science and technology
Highly acclaimed in various industrial fields
Joint Research Enterprise
Fukuda Crystal Laboratory, and Others
Industry-academia collaboration, social norms, research ethics
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