
東北大学 産学連携先端材料研究開発センター (MaSC)






吉川 彰・金属材料研究所・教授






    招待講演:総件数  6 件

  1. Yoshikawa, Y. Yokota, K. Kamada et al., “Development of bulk crystal growth technology for novel functional crystals and their social implementation”, 19th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Colorado, USA, 2019/07/28 – 08/02.
  2. Yoshikawa, “Bulk crystal growth of Ce doped Gd3(Ga, Al)5O12 single crystal from the melt without precious metal crucible and its scintillation properties”, 8th International Symposium on Optical Materials, Wroclaw, Poland, 2019/06/09 – 06/14.
  3. Y. Yokota, “Effects of chemical composition control for LiCaAlF6 and LiSrAlF6 neutron scintillator single crystals”, 8th International Symposium on Optical Materials, Wroclaw, Poland, 2019/06/09 – 06/14.
  4. K. Kamada, Y. Shoji, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa et al., “Development of mass production technology of Ce:Gd3(Ga, Al)5O12 scintillator for radiation imaging applications”, 19th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Colorado, USA, 2019/07/28 – 08/02
  5. 国際会議:総件数  79  件

  6. Y. Shoji, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa et al., “Growth and quality improvement of Ce-doped (Gd, La)2Si2O7 scintillator crystals”, 19th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Colorado, USA, 2019/07/28 – 08/02
  7. K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa et al., “Melt growth and luminescence properties Lu2O3 based high dense single crystals grown by indirect heating method using arc plasma”, 8th International Workshop on Photoluminescence in Rare Earth: Photonic Materials and Devices, Nice, France, 2019/09/04 – 09/06
  8. K. Kamada, Y. Shoji, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa et al., “Growth and characterization of Ce:LaBr3 based eutectic systems”, The Sixth Directionally Solidified Eutectics Conference, Fisciano, Italy, 2019/09/10 – 09/13.
  9. Y. Yokota, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa et al., “Phase diagram of BaI2-REI3 (RE = Rare earth) and their composite scintillators”, 15th International Conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications, Sendai, Japan, 2019/09/30 – 10/04.
  10. 国内会議:総件数  37  件

  11. 横田有為、鎌田圭、吉川彰 他、“BaI2/REI3 (RE:Rare earth)共晶体シンチレータの作製”、第48回結晶成長国内会議、大阪、2019/10/30 – 11/01/
  12. 鎌田圭、庄子育宏、横田有為、吉川彰 他、“Submerged Core Hearting法を用いたLu2O3、HfO2系結晶の作製とシンチレータ特性評価”、第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会、北海道、2019/09/18 – 09/21.

    総件数:  31  件

  1. K. Kamada, T. Iida, Y. Furuya, K. J. Kim, M. Yoshino, R. Murakami, Y. Shoji, V. V. Kochurikhin, A. Yamaji, S. Kurosawa, Y. Ohashi, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa, “Crystal growth and scintillation properties of Eu-doped Ca(BrxI1-x)2 crystals”, Radiat. Meas., 127 (2019) 106139.
  2. K. Kamada, M. Nikl, T. Kotaki, H. Saito, F. Horikoshi, M. Miyazaki, K. J. Kim, R. Murakami, M. Yoshino, A. Yamaji, Y. Shoji, S. Kurosawa, S. Toyoda, H. Sato, Y. Yokota, Y. Ohashi, V. Kochurikhin, A. Yoshikawa, “Multiple shaped-crystal growth of oxide scintillators using Mo crucible and die by the edge defined film fed growth method”, J. Cryst. Growth, 535 (2020) 125510.
  3. S. Kodama, S. Kurosawa, M. Ohno, A. Yamaji, M. Yoshino, J. Pejchal, R. Kral, Y. Ohashi, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa, “Development of a novel red-emitting cesium hafnium iodide scintillator”, Radiat. Meas., 124 (2019) 54 – 58.
  4. S. Kurosawa, T. Shishido, T. Sugawara, K. Yubuta, T. Horiai, V. Jary, A. Yamaji, M. Yoshino, Y. Yokota, Y. Shoji, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa, J. Pejchal, M. Nikl, “Scintillation properties of Y-admixed Gd2Si2O7 scintillator”, Radiat. Meas., 126 (2019) 106123.
  5. T. Iida, K. Kamada, M. Yoshino, K. J. Kim, K. Ichimura, A.Yoshikawa, “High-light-yield calcium iodide (CaI2) scintillator for astroparticle physics”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 958 (2019) 162629.
  6. V. Kochurikhin, K. Kamada, K. J. Kim, M. Ivanov, L. Gushchina, Y. Shoji, M. Yoshino, A. Yoshikawa, “Czochralski growth of 4-inch diameter Ce:Gd3Al2Ga3O12 single crystals for scintillator applications”, J. Cryst. Growth, 531 (2019) 125384.
  7. M. Yoshino, K. Bartosiewicz, T. Horiai, K. Kamada, A. Yamaji, Y. Shoji, Y. Yokota, S. Kurosawa, Y. Ohashi, H. Sato, S. Toyoda, R. Kucerkova, V. Jary, M. Nikl, A. Yoshikawa, “Relationship Between Li/Ce Concentration and the Luminescence Properties of Codoped Gd3(Ga, Al)5O12:Ce”, Phys. Status Solidi B Basic Solid State Phys., (2019) 1900504.
  8. K. Origuchi, Y. Yokota, R. Kral, M. Yoshino, A. Yamaji, S. Toyoda, H. Sato, Y. Ohashi, S. Kurosawa, K. Kamada, A. Yoshikawa, “Phase diagram of BaI2-LuI3 system and growth of BaI2/LuI3 eutectic scintillator”, J. Cryst. Growth, 536 (2020) 125573.
  9. M. Ueno, K.J. Kim, K. Kamada, V. Babin, M. Nikl, T. Nihei, M. Yoshino, A. Yamaji, S. Toyoda, H. Sato, Y. Yokota, S. Kurosawa, Y. Ohashi, V.V. Kochurikhin, A. Yoshikawa, “Bulk single crystal growth of W co-doped Ce:Gd3Ga3Al2O12 by Czochralski method”, J. Cryst. Growth, 539 (2020) 125513.
  10. S. Kodama, S. Kurosawa, M. Ohno, Y. Morishita, H. Usai, M. Hayashi, M. Sasano, T. Azuma, H. Tanaka, V. Kochurikhin, A. Yamaji, M. Yoshino, S. Toyoda, H. Sato, Y. OHASHI, K. Kamada, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa, T. Torii, “Fiber-reading radiation monitoring system using an optical fiber and red-emitting scintillator for ultra-high dose condition”, Appl. Phys. Express, 13 (2020) 047002.


  • 5. ジェンダー平等を実現しよう
  • 9. 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう


E-mail address: yoshikawa*imr.tohoku.ac.jp
HP URL: http://yoshikawa-lab.imr.tohoku.ac.jp/


  • 次世代向けシンチレータ結晶の量産技術開発
  • 次世代向けシンチレータ結晶の量産技術開発
